Chennai: Zee Tamil’s thought-provoking and compelling narratives have yet again taken another step towards providing more than just entertainment. Commemorating the 200th episode milestone of the channel’s iconic ‘Pudhu Pudhu Arthangal’, Zee Tamil is all set to take the plot a notch higher. The drama stands out from other fiction shows as it focuses on the heart-warming relationship between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The vivacious actress Devayani portrays Lakshmi, who is a submissive benevolent woman whose life revolves around the happiness of her family. During its course so far, the intriguing drama has showcased multiple stigma-breaking plot twists where the progressive daughter-in-law Parvathy portrayed by VJ Parvathy empowers Lakshmi in the journey of finding love and happiness.
Recently the show aired the wedding of Hari Krishnan portrayed by Abhishek and Lakshmi in an unexpected circumstance. With the series of unpleasant situations post the wedding, Lakshmi decided to stand up for herself and earn the respect that she deserves without anyone’s support.
From the 200th episode, the fans will witness a determined Lakshmi who will strive hard to succeed in her passion of cooking. The show is not just about finding love and happiness, but it also talks about the importance of women working towards achieving their dreams and being independent.