Chennai: Tamil General Entertainment Channel (GEC) – Zee Tamil has announced the successful completion of 500 episodes of the second season of its signature cookery show, Anjarai Pettai. Since its launch in January 2016, the show has carved a niche position for itself in the hearts and minds of its viewers with its unique format and interesting segments around food.
Hosted by popular VJ and actor Chithra and the charming actor Madan, Anjarai Petti presents a multitude of knowledge and awareness on traditional cooking techniques and recipes of various cuisines. Recently, the show has expanded its focus, catering to topics including religious teachings, beauty and skincare tips, yoga etc.
Anjarai Petti provides the perfect dose of entertainment with its three varied segments. The first segment features the versatile actor and singer Anuradha who dons the chef’s hat and shares various tasty and traditional recipes with the viewers. The second segment presents a unique opportunity for women home cooks to present their distinct recipes and cooking tips. The highlight of the show is the special third segment wherein anchor Madhan travels across Tamil Nadu to uncover the various tasty treasures presented by the common folk of these regions while captivating the scenic and cultural beauty of the place. In the final segment, a renowned chef gives audiences a taste of Europe with a set of continental recipes.
Speaking on the milestone, the channel spokesperson said, “At Zee Tamil, we are constantly focussed on presenting viewers with fresh and innovative content that satisfies their entertainment needs. This 500th episode milestone and ratings of the show reiterate the fact that Anjarai Petti is a household habit today.”