Comedy Khiladigalu, an established comedy format show which is returning for its 3rd Season. The show will feature the best comedians from across the state who have been shortlisted after mega auditions that covered the entire length & breadth of the state. The show will feature 15 contestants who are well versed in different Dialects of Karnataka (Mandya, Udupi, Hubli, Havyakaetc) will also be showcased. This show is purely a talent based show with no age restriction.
The show will be based out on the below-mentioned categories:
- Spoof of the popular movie, Imitation of a popular movie, Mimicry of movie star or Basic Standup comedy or even original skits
- A total of 15 contestants will feature in the show
- Every week, 2 – 3 contestants paired together will battle on a theme where their acting talent & entertainment quotient will be the parameters for judging
- To spice it up, there will be an elimination every week!
The show will be aired every Saturday & Sunday. There will be a total of 26 +1 Episodes & Pre-Finale with duration of one hour each.
The celebrity judges’ panel consists of Actor Jaggesh, Director Yograj Bhat & Actor Rakshita Prem. The anchor for the show is Master Anand who will ensure the audiences are in splits!
The show is being launched on 15th October at 9 pm on Zee Kannada.