Bangalore: Xiaomi India has teamed up with Bollywood actor and philanthropist Sonu Sood to put the newly launched Redmi Note 14 Pro+ 5G to the test, showcasing its incredible durability. The campaign, which follows the release of Sonu Sood’s film Fateh, features a unique demonstration of the smartphone’s strength, with Sonu Sood performing multiple sets of pull-ups with the device supporting his weight—highlighting the device’s impressive resilience.
The Redmi Note 14 Pro+ 5G, a flagship device in the popular Redmi Note series, is engineered to offer a perfect balance of ad vanced technology and superior durability. Equipped with Corning® Gorilla® Glass Victus 2, an IP68 rating, and IP69 support, the device is designed to withstand the demands of everyday use and extreme conditions. This smartphone sets a new standard for durability, ensuring it can handle whatever challenges life presents—literally lifting expectations.
Suraksha R, Director of Marketing at Xiaomi India, commented, “Durability is one of the key aspects that our customers value in a smartphone, and we are proud to have Sonu Sood, someone who embodies strength and resilience, to be the face of this campaign. With the Redmi Note 14 Pro+ 5G, we have pushed the boundaries to ensure that our users get a device that offers both performance and durability.”
Sonu Sood, the renowned actor, added, “I’m excited to collaborate with Xiaomi to showcase the Redmi Note 14 Pro+ 5G. It’s not just a phone, but a companion that can keep up with any challenge you face, just like I do in my journey of fitness. The durability of this device is remarkable, and I am proud to be a part of this campaign.”
Following its successful launch, the Redmi Note 14 5G Series has already achieved an impressive milestone of ₹1000 crore in revenue within just two weeks of its release in India, demonstrating the unwavering trust and love from Xiaomi customers.
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