Mumbai: WPP has announced the appointment of Deepa Jatkar as the Head of OpenDoor’s India operations. OpenDoor is WPP’s bespoke global client practice designed exclusively for Amazon, making Jatkar’s new role pivotal in strengthening the partnership.
Jatkar, formerly the Chief Growth Officer at Wavemaker India, brings over two decades of expertise in media and consumer technology. Since joining Wavemaker in 2023 from Meta India, she has played a critical role in driving growth and innovation, leveraging her experience as a key member of Meta’s India sales leadership team and global sales and marketing division.
Her appointment comes in the wake of Amazon’s global media planning and buying account being awarded to WPP and Omnicom Media Group after a rigorous review process concluded in September 2024.
In her career spanning organizations like McCann, Mindshare, Omnicom, and MediaCom, Jatkar has built a strong reputation for leadership and strategic growth.
“Excited to start the next chapter of my career journey as India Head-WPP OpenDoor. Here’s to building winning teams and driving meaningful impact,” Jatkar shared in a LinkedIn post.