Mumbai: Star Sports, the official broadcast partner of Indian Premiere League (IPL) has delivered a ratings of 7.29 TVR for the opening match of the ongoing season (IPL 2023) that happened on 31st March 2023 between Gujarat Titans and Chennai Super Kings.
Apparently this happened to be the second lowest ratings during the past last 6 seasons. The ratings of 7.29 TVR includes the viewership of OOH and FTA Channels in BARC: M15+ AB India Urban target group. Minus OOH and FTA Channels, the ratings of IPL 16 opening match is 6.68 TVR. The TSV percentage of the opening match stood at 33 pc against an average of 30 pc in IPL 15. Similarly the reach percentage of the opening match of IPL 16 stood at 22 pc against 18.3 pc in IPL 15, which is slightly lower than IPL 14 (23.1 pc) while IPL 13 peaked with 27.6 pc.
When compared with the ratings of IPL 15, the opening numbers of IPL 16 is just 20 pc higher. Ever since IPL 13, the Television viewership is witnessing steep fall from 10.36 TVR to 8.25 TVR in IPL 14 and further downward to 5.57 TVR in IPL 15.
In terms of TSV percentage has fallen from 37 pc in IPL 13 to 36 pc in IPL 14 and further down to 30 pc in IPL 15.
On the other-hand, Jio Cinema, the official digital streaming partner of the IPL 2023, the platform has surpassed the previous season’s digital viewership records (Disney+ Hotstar) by the end of the first week itself. Jio Cinema has claimed a record 147 Cr. Video views on the opening weekend with 57 minutes Time Spent Per Viewer Per Match.
(Source: BARC Data M15+ AB India Urban TG)