Mumbai: Vivo IPL continues to enthrall fans with record numbers on both viewership and engagement across screens. The data provided below is for the first 59 matches- excluding the finale. Finale viewership will come in next week on 7th June (for BARC reporting week no 22)
TV Viewership Trend: A 7-week perspective (not including Finale)
Television viewership shows strong growth as measured across audiences – Urban + Rural at 14% and Urban audiences demonstrating enhanced viewership growth at 25%.
In the elusive, hard to reach affluent urban male audiences, the Tournament to date, excluding finale is delivering a whopping 31% growth v/s year ago.
The Total average Impressions (millions) for Match 1 to 59 was 1381 Impressions (millions) in U+R 2+, which transforms in to 14% Growth when compared with the previous year. It was 824 Impressions (millions) in Urban 2+ that transforms into 25% growth and269 Impressions (millions) in M15+AB Urban with a growth of 31%.
Total Audience Viewership: First 7 weeks (not including Finale)
Overall viewership of the tournament across all platforms TV (In-Home & Out-of-Home) and Digital in Urban Audiences up to week 7 was 41%* higher than the comparable number of matches last year. Within this, TV urban viewership is 824 million impressions, +25% growth v/s year ago and Digital viewership at 132 million impressions is 3.8X of last year.
Data Sources: * Total Viewership impressions including Urban 2+ (All India) BARC week 15-21 viewership impressions for Star network channels, OOH TV IPL bouquet viewership impressions (Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore) and Hotstar data analytics.