Delhi: WeddingWire India, the wedding planning platform in the country, has launched an exciting Valentine’s Day campaign titled “Put A Ring On It.” Running from January 21st to March 9th, 2025, this sweepstakes initiative offers couples the chance to win a pair of stunning engagement rings from Tanishq, valued at ₹1.5 lakhs. The campaign coincides with India’s peak engagement season, providing an extraordinary opportunity for three lucky couples to make their engagement moment even more special.
With approximately 14% of Indian couples choosing to get engaged in February, WeddingWire India’s campaign taps into the heart of the season, ensuring that love and commitment are at the forefront. The initiative offers a perfect blend of romance and practicality, as the platform not only celebrates engagements but also provides couples with the planning tools they need for their wedding journey.
Snigdha Johar, Consumer Marketing Manager at WeddingWire India, shared, “Indian weddings are evolving, and today’s couples are looking for meaningful ways to mark their engagement. Through ‘Put A Ring On It,’ we’re not just offering prizes – we’re celebrating the beautiful moment when two people decide to share their lives together, while providing them with the resources they need to plan their perfect wedding.”
The lucky winners will select their engagement rings from Tanishq’s premium Soulmate collection, crafted from a single natural diamond to symbolize the unity of two souls. These rings are designed to embody the significance of the engagement and to be cherished forever. This campaign is a nod to the typical 4-6 month wedding planning window in India, offering couples a chance to start their journey with both an unforgettable gift and expert planning services from WeddingWire India.
Couples interested in participating can enter the sweepstakes through the WeddingWire India website or mobile app. For more information on how to join the “Put A Ring On It” campaign, visit WeddingWire India’s official site.