There have been several women in the recent past working tirelessly to constantly support women, proving their mettle and taking on challenging roles while demonstrating the spirit of sisterhood based on common interests, while also epitomizing the idea of women supporting women. Work-life balance, Equal pay, Children, and career are three of the top five issues faced by working women globally. In spite of all these challenges, Promax India is delighted to present 3 amazing women who have shattered the stereotypes and are at the top of their game.
Introducing Vikki Stephenson, Apurva Purohit, and Tanvi Shukla as they take center stage at this year’s ‘Art of Pivot’ Promax India Virtual 2021 – Conference & Awards LIVE on 22nd – 24th SEPTEMBER 2021.
Hear from BBC’s Vikki Stephenson at her Keynote Session “Inspiration, Innovation & Things I learned the hard way’; Vikki is a Senior Creative, Consultant, and Speaker with 20 years of experience in making award-winning campaigns for BBC’s highest-profile brands ranging from Planet Earth II, Dracula, Panorama, etc. After more than 20 years of learning her craft the hard way, and with more than 35+ international awards under her belt (more since becoming a mum and working part-time), Vikki takes us through her career from production assistant to a multi-award Senior Creative entrusted with the BBC’s biggest brands”.
Closer to home, Apurva Purohit and Tanvi Shukla headline WOMEN CHANGEMAKERS at this years ‘ ‘Art of Pivot’ Promax India Virtual 2021 on the 24TH SEPTEMBER 2021.
Both Apurva and Tanvi have had fascinating journeys so far and continue to inspire people as they manage their stellar careers and also manage the perfect work-life balance.
“Only you have the right to decide what you want to do with your life. Only you should choose what success means to you and what is your definition of happiness. Learn to exercise that muscle of choice mindfully.” says Apurva Purohit, Co-Founder, Aazol Ventures (Mumbai) Private Limited.
Says Tanvi Shukla – Senior Editor, Broadcast and Digital, MIRROR NOW “Women who run with the wolves, live their dreams without caring about those who seek to define and confine them. There is nothing that you can’t achieve if you want to. All you need is passion and skills to grab the opportunity when it comes by.” says Tanvi
PROMAX INDIA invites you to watch these three inspirational leaders live with their infectious energy and spirited interactions as they share their stories and anecdotes by following their passion for work and life.