Mumbai: In the competitive world of Indian media, V6 News has once again proven its dominance as the No. 1 Telugu news channel in the prime-time segment. The channel has maintained this enviable position in Hyderabad for an unprecedented five consecutive years while consistently securing the No. 2 spot across Andhra Pradesh and Telangana (AP&TS) markets, solidifying its reputation as the preferred choice for Telugu-speaking audiences.
One of the channel’s most iconic programs, “Teenmar”, has been the cornerstone of its success. For over a decade, this flagship show has captivated audiences with its unique blend of wit, deep analysis, and relatability. By tackling critical issues with a mix of humor and seriousness, “Teenmar” has made complex topics accessible, earning it an enduring place as the No. 1 news program in the Telugu broadcast space.
Why V6 News Stands Out
V6 News’ success can be attributed to its unwavering commitment to:
Cultural Relevance: Programming designed to resonate with the ethos of Telugu audiences.
Timely and Accurate Reporting: A hallmark of trust and reliability.
Innovative Content Delivery: Combining traditional TV with a robust online presence to adapt to changing viewer habits.
With its commanding viewership in prime time and its growing digital presence, V6 News offers unparalleled value for media agencies and advertisers. Its dual focus on traditional and digital platforms ensures maximum reach and engagement, making it a premier choice for brands looking to connect with Telugu-speaking audiences.
More than a news channel, V6 News is a vital part of the Telugu community, shaping public opinion and discourse through investigative journalism and in-depth coverage of key socio-political, economic, and cultural events.
The channel’s team of seasoned journalists and content creators continually raises the bar in delivering news that informs, empowers, and engages. As India’s media landscape evolves, V6 News remains steadfast in its mission to provide quality journalism while keeping pace with innovations in content and technology.
With a legacy of leadership in prime-time news and an unyielding focus on quality and relevance, V6 News is not just a channel—it’s a trusted voice in Telugu households. For advertisers and viewers alike, it represents the pinnacle of Telugu broadcasting, promising impact, reach, and continued excellence in the years to come.