Mumbai: Uber India has partnered with renowned actor and India’s biggest content creator, Bhuvan Bam, to launch a unique and innovative digital campaign celebrating its new Uber One membership program. The campaign creatively plays on the ‘one’ sound in Indian celebrity names, with Bhuvan Bam—whose name contains “VAN” (sounding like “ONE”)—perfectly embodying the campaign’s theme.
In the campaign, Bhuvan reprises his beloved “Angry Masterji” character, delivering a humorous and relatable message that has struck a chord with audiences. Within just four days, the campaign has achieved record-breaking engagement numbers, amassing over 1 million likes, more than 11 million views, and 131,000 shares across social media platforms.
Bhuvan Bam expressed his excitement about the collaboration, stating: “I’m thrilled to partner with Uber for this campaign, especially since it has such a fun twist! The ‘one’ theme is distinctly unique, and it was exciting to bring my Angry Masterji character into the mix to help put the messaging across. I’m happy to see how much people are enjoying and engaging with the content piece.”
The Uber One membership offers customers exclusive benefits, including discounts on rides, priority service, and special perks. This campaign reflects Uber India’s focus on innovation and its commitment to leveraging popular cultural figures to resonate with a wider audience.
Bhuvan Bam, known for his dominance in the digital space, has consistently been a part of high-impact campaigns for brands like Myntra, Zomato, Lenskart, and Pizza Hut. His ability to connect with audiences and drive massive engagement continues to make him one of the most sought-after faces for brand collaborations.
This campaign’s overwhelming success underscores the power of creative storytelling and the influence of digital-first content creators in driving brand visibility and engagement.