Mumbai : TVF Media Labs partners with Dice Media, digital video division of entertainment startup Pocket Aces to launch their mockumentary comedy ‘Not Fit’ on Youtube beginning on the 12th of December.
The webseries which is aimed at a 15 to 35 year old target audience is expecting to achieve a viewership of up to 5 million for the first season of the webseries. Besides hoping to go viral, the founders of Pocket Aces are keen to test out its analytics tool for their content management ystem. “We plan to sensor and analyse traffic on the internet to gauge what is about to trend, optimize distribution, monitor audience behaviour, reception and feedback,” said Anirudh Pandita, co founder of Pocket Aces. The analytics tool aims to cut down on time, in order to derive information quickly.
According to Arunabh Kumar, CEO of TVF, a significant investment was made in creating the web series, the recovery of costs would occur over time by monetizing he intellectual property through content syndication, brand involvement and merchandise sales. “We are hoping to have 10-25% increment in engagement with the show,” added Kumar.
The founders of Pocket Aces were former investment bankers and private equity professionals who moved to India to create the media company aimed at Indian youth. TVF, an Indian YouTube network, founded by Arunabh Kumar, an IIT graduate was the only representative from South Asia to be invited to the 2015 Global Creators’ Summit in New York.