Mumbai: The Times of India in collaboration with Asian Heart Institute launched the #HappyHeartIndia campaign. Akshay Kumar launched the campaign on 7thApril, the World Health Day, that aims to shed light on the nation’s growing heart disease problem.
The campaign urges readers to ‘Save a Heart’ by nominating an underprivileged child they may know, who is below 12 years of age and needs a cardiac surgery but has no means to pay for the surgery. Asian heart Institute pledges to sponsor and perform these surgeries for 200 verified cases across 16 cities in India. To nominate an underprivileged child, visit or send a brief case summary to [email protected] T&C apply –
The campaign #HappyHeartIndia is built around multiple content pillars through interviews that will amplify the importance of inculcating healthy heart habits in our daily lives via a 3-month long engagement across print and digital. The campaign will also run inspirational stories and fun contests to engage readers as it promotes the importance of and ways to maintain a healthy heart.
Speaking about the initiative, Akshay Kumar shared, “I am delighted to take this message of ‘have a heart to save a heart’ all over India. Asian Heart Institute has always been at the forefront of charitable causes and excellence in cardiac surgery. This campaign is about surgical interventions for the underprivileged- in the spirit of community service.”
Sanjeev Bhargava, Director, Brand TOI said, “The campaign with Asian Heart Institute is a step in the direction towards a healthier India and we are glad to bring this campaign to our readers. Dr. Panda and Akshay Kumar’s involvement to the cause has helped raise awareness for this campaign. TOI has always been at the forefront to help raise awareness for causes that affect the people of our country and hope to continue our endeavor in building a healthier, happy India.”
Speaking about their association with TOI, Dr. Ramakanta Panda, Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Asian Heart Institute said, “It gives me immense pleasure to launch the campaign and associate with The Times of India as well as to receive unconditional support from one of Bollywood’s biggest stars, Akshay Kumar. After championing various causes and his commitment to fitness, Akshay Kumar is the ideal face for this campaign.”