The Response Team of TOI Kerala came out with an Onam special edition called the Colors of Onam on 27th August 2020. A 16 pager collectors’ issue that had 21 authors of National & International fame writing their thoughts about this harvest festival of Kerala. This edition was supported with a beautiful digital artwork created by Bose Krishnamachari. Colors of Onam was supported by over 28 Advertisers.
Media veteran Kamal Krishnan P.S, AVP – Response at Times of India shared a video on social media that beautifully portrayed this creation Colors of Onam and the gave due credit to the entire team for all the hardwork that they had put in for Colors of Onam.
Krishnan took to LinkedIn to appreciate the effort of the entire response Development, Art, Edit, Scheduling Team, and well supported by the Production, Distribution & Editorial and how it was an absolute feast for the readers and great value for advertisers.