Chennai: Legendary Carnatic vocalist M Balamuralikrishna was conferred the ‘Thyagabrahma Nadha Vibushan’ title on February 15 by Sri Thyaga Brahma Gana Sabha.
R Seshasayee, executive vice-chairman of the Hinduja Group conferred the award on the musician. Speaking after presenting the award, he said the title was appropriate for him as it had nadha in it, the primordial part of music.
Seshasayee pointed out that nadha had a vital role in several compositions of Saint Thyagaraja. songs,” Seshasayee said.
Cleveland V V Sundaram, offering his felicitations, said the first 15-20 seconds of Balamuralikrishna’s raga alapana captured the essence of the raga.
Sundaram pointed out that Balamuralikrishna had produced 400 compositions including varnams and kritis. Describing him as a child prodigy, Sundaram said Balamurali gave his first concert at the age of eight. He recalled that Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer, had remarked after hearing Balamurali render a kriti in Madhava Manohari raga 40 years ago, that only Balamuralikrishna rendered that raga without slipping into Sri Ranjani raga.
The programme was followed by a vocal concert by Balamuralikrishna.