Bengaluru: Star India’s Kannada GEC Suvarna is shifting its Prime Time fiction show Khushi from 8:30 PM to 7:00 PM in order to make way for a new Celebrity reality show Super Jodi, which will be occupying the 7:30 to 9:00 PM time band.
The Fiction show Khushi was launched on 12th January this year along with Shrimati Bhagyalakshmi @ 8:00 PM after the completion of Pyate Hudgir Halli Life Season 3.
Khushi has completed more than 200 episodes so far and it is considered as one of the top rated shows on Suvarna Channel. It is being Produced by Dhruv Media Kraft owned by famous Kannada television producer Gururaj Kulkarni, who was the man behind the successful projects like Pallavi Anupallavi, Panchrangi Pam Pam etc… which was previously aired on Survana.
Khushi is a unique family love story embedded between two distinct individuals. The story revolves around 2 characters-Rajini (heroine) and Vishnu Vardhan (Hero) and follows their lives after they get married defying parents. Rajini battles on bravely as her in-laws place hurdles in the young couple’s lives and how Rajini overcomes all the odds to create harmony in her mother-in-laws life and makes her husband understand the true nature of his father.
Khushi will be aired on every Monday to Friday at 7:00 PM starting from Monday, 19th October.