Kochi: Surya TV, leading Malyalam channel is launching a new family entertainment show ‘Ayalathey Sundari’ directed by Mr. KK Rajiv, pro in directing family shows.
Starting September 11th, the show will be featured every evening from Monday to Saturday at 9.30 pm onwards.
Ayalathey Sundari is a family drama set within the confines of tumultuous family relationships. The serial explores the challenges, trials and tribulations that a woman undergoes in her daily life. The protagonist played by Ms. Kavita Nair portrays the bold female character. Ms. Nair has returned to acting after a short break.
The cast lineup for the serial includes leading names like Mr. Yadhukrishnan, Ms. Mersheena Neenu and Ms. Jyothika to name a few.
Surya TV is also offering viewers of ‘Ayalathey Sundari’ the opportunity to win gold and sarees through its ‘Watch and Win’ contest.