Mumbai: Supari Studios won the prestigious ‘Best Animated Ad Film’ award at FICCI Frames BAF Awards 2018, that took place on Monday, 5th March, 2018.
Speaking about the award, Aditya Tawde, head of Post Office (Supari’s post production and VFX unit), said “We are extremely excited about receiving this award; it gives us some validation for the hard work the team puts in every day. Harsh Sharma, who directed this piece, put in a lot of effort to make sure the emotion of Meera and her family comes out with this minimalist style of animation.”
The film ‘Why Karo’, was created for the NGO ‘Karo’. In August 2017, we teamed up with the NGO and produced this short animated piece about a little girl from a low income family and her battle with cancer. Multiple bits of cell animation were seamlessly blended with digitally illustrated backgrounds. The frames were composited in After Effects combined with well-defined 2D animation. Different layers of treatments were added to achieve the emotion that is displayed throughout the film.
You can watch the entire film here: