Chennai: Star Vijay is all set to host the 7th Annual Vijay Television Awards. Prior to the Awards, there awaits a Prelude of exclusive events which will be telecast, every Sunday afternoon at 3 pm. The first event would be ‘Vetri nadai podum mathiyamey’, an entertaining show highlighting the afternoon band serials that airs on the channel namely Paavam Ganesan, Velaikkaaran, Thendral Vandhu Ennai thodum, Kaatrukenna Veli, Nama Veetu Ponnu & Muthazhagu. The prelude episodes will go on air from 27 March, 2022, Sunday 3 pm and the Grand Finale is on 24 April, 2022.
The artistes of the above serials make a campaign to vote for their respective characters of the serial to win the coveted titles of 7th Annual Vijay Television Awards.
In the coming week the female lead and supporting characters of various serials from Star Vijay will appear on the prelude episode and campaign for their respective roles to be voted. Similarly, in the third and fourth week the non-fiction shows anchors and contestants and the prime-time serial stars viz Pandian Stores, Bharathi Kannamma, Bhagyalakshmi, Raja Rani 2, Mouna Ragam 2, Thamizhum Saraswathiyum, Naam Iruvar Namakku Iruvar, Senthoora poovey, Eeramana Rojave, respectively will appear on the episode and campaign to get votes from viewers.
The prelude episodes will be hosted by none other than Erode Magesh and Dhaadi Balaji.