Bangalore: Star India’s Kannada GEC Star Suvarna is in the process of raising the bar of its programming standards by adding news big ticket shows and upgrading the existing line-up by adding refreshing new tarcks to it. As part of this exercise, the channel is set to take the story-line of Durga, one of the most popular show which is being aired at 7.00 PM, to the holy city of Hardwar by introducing a new track in the story line.
Team Durga has travelled to Haridwara, a holy place in North India for the new track and episodes shot in the holy town that would be aired from 3rd October on-wards. The story evolved in this track is a major milestone in the Show and will forecast lots of twists and turns in it
The show opens the secret flashback behind the reason for which Protagonist of the Show Nakul became mentally imbalanced which happened 12 years ago. Now Durga has brought Nakul to same Haridwara with an intention of bringing back the memory of Nakul and regain his normalcy.
The new track of storyline will unveil the answer to many knots that surrounds Durga such as… Will Durga’s effort yield result and Nakul regain normalcy or will mother –in-law Damayanti create obstacles for these efforts of Durga through her wicked plans…..? Will Devi Save Durga from life threat …? What was the reason behind Nakul’s mental imbalance….?
The new track in Haridwar was planned for next 20 episodes and the suspense will be revealed at the end of the travel of 20 episodes. The audience will witness the power packed thrilling episodes of Durga from 03rd October 2016.