Mumbai: Star Movies is set to premierX-Men: Apocalypse, the movie Directed by Bryan Singer is the ninth installment in the X-Men film series and a sequel to X-Men: Days of Future Past, X-Men: Apocalypse will premiere on Sunday 11th June at 1 PM and 9 PM.
X-Men: Apocalypse offers a perfectly cohesive combination of action, drama, science and fantasy to deliver a compelling narrative with some top-notch special effects and prodigious action sequences. It combines the color, wonder and exuberance of a real comic book with gloriously cinematic storytelling that results in an action-packed ninth instalment of the X-Men franchise.
A superhero movie’s strength lies in its capability to win over the audience and this film has managed to become a huge success story in the X-Men franchise leading the box office across most markets globally. Speaking to the Los Angeles Times, director Bryan Singer said, “Our movie is all about our characters. I mean, yes, there is that stuff — the big stuff, I guess you’d say – and the audience will get their fair share of that. But ultimately, it’s about the characters.”