Mumbai: In keeping with the festive spirit, Star India announces ‘Tyohar ka Upahar’, a promotional offer for its 16 a-la-carte channels including its popular channels — Star Plus, Maa TV, Star Jalsha, Vijay, Asianet and Hungama TV. The festive offer prices will be available with immediate effect.
“The Star network is known to offer best-in-class content inspiring a billion imaginations, making us a household name today,” said Sanjay Gupta, Country Manager, Star and Disney India. “With this promotional offer for the festive season, we hope to spread even more cheer and get more families to experience and engage with our varied entertainment offerings,” he added.
Viewers can enjoy an exciting content line-up across the network including ‘Nach Baliye’ finale, ‘Yehh jadu hai jinn ka!’, ‘TED Talks India Nayi Baat’, ‘Dance Plus’ on Star Plus, ‘Manasi Chi Choodo’ along with the World TV premiere of ‘Vinaya Vidheya Rama’, ‘Bigg Boss Telugu’ finale, ‘Sixth Sense’ on Maa TV, ‘Sreemoyee’, ‘Dance Dance Junior’ and ‘Mohor’ on Star Jalsha, ‘Kaatrin Mozhi’, ‘Thazampoo’ and ‘The Wall’ on Vijay, the World TV premiere of ‘Ambili’ and ‘Vanambaadi’ on Asianet, and ‘Upin & Ipin- new season, ‘Selfie with Bajrangi’- new season, ‘Shinchan’- new season and movie premier ‘Pokemon – Arceus Aur Jeevan ka Jewel’ on Hungama to name a few