Mumbai: Star Bharat’s flagship show Savdhaan India has been instrumental in educating and alerting our society about India’s most shocking crimes for over 7 years now. This next season of Savdhaan India is a specially created Five-Part series titled ‘Special Crime Series’ and is set to air on July 29, 2019 at 10:30 pm. The series will showcase one story a week that spans over 5 days. All the Special Crimes Series stories deal with heinous crimes where the stakes are higher, elevating suspense to nail-biting endings. .
For the first time on Indian television the popular crime series has gone abroad with ‘Honeymoon Travels PVT LTD’ produced by Hoop Entertainment. The story has been shot in Thailand and revolves around a group of travelers on their honeymoon and their unnerving experience in a foreign country.
Watch Savdhaan India Special Crime Series from July 29, 2019 every Monday to Friday at 10:30pm only on Star Bharat