Mumbai: Sony MAX brings the world television premiere of Dynamite on 3rd November at 9pm. Directed by Master Vijayan, the film is produced by Manchu Vishnu under the banner of 24 Frames Factory featuring himself as Shivaji Krishna, Pranitha Subhash as Anamika Dasari, J. D. Chakravarthy as IB Minister Rishi Dev in pivotal roles.
Dynamite is the official remake of hit Tamil movie Arimanambi. It narrates the tale of young daring man, Shivaji Krishna who meets a modern girl named Anamika. They fall for each other at first sight and decide to meet soon. Unfortunately, Anamika gets kidnapped on the night of their first date by some unidentified goons leaving Shivaji completely clueless. Shivaji’s life changes after he reaches, Anamika’s home as he finds out that Anamika is in a big trouble due to some memory card that has the deadly secrets about a powerful man. Shivaji’s struggle to rescue love of his life from the clutches of that powerful man forms rest of the story.
Watch this action thriller, Dynamite on Sony MAX on Friday, 3rd November at 9pm.