Vishwa Hindi Divas is being celebrated on January 10. The day commemorates the anniversary of the first World Hindi Conference held in Nagpur on January 10, 1975, which saw 122 delegates from 30 countries participating. The aim of the conference was to promote the Hindi language worldwide.
This year, celebrate the day with a unique ‘Learn Hindi’ lens on Snapchat, designed by Atit Kharel, an Official Lens Creator. A digital creator from Nepal, Atit started experimenting with Augmented Reality on Snap’s Lens Studio. Following his own passion for learning the language, eventually decided to create this lens that allows others to get acquainted with the language.
The ‘Learn Hindi’ lens – only available on Snapchat – uses Augmented Reality and machine learning to recognize objects and translate their name in real-time. Snapchatters just have to point their cameras at an object to scan it, and the lens automatically displays the English and Hindi names, along with a phonetic transcription of the word to help with pronunciation. The lens can identify 1000 different objects and translate their names to Hindi allowing Snapchatters to learn the language, one word at a time.
“The idea behind launching the lens was to make learning Hindi fun and easy – especially for new learners. I was always fascinated by Augmented Reality and Snapchat lenses. I knew about Lens Studio right after its release and wanted to try to create something useful and came up with the idea of a lens that helps you earn Hindi. It’s really easy to use and extremely handy,” commented Atit Kharel, Official Lens Creator at Snap.
The lens is available on Snapchat by searching ‘Learn Hindi’, scanning the below Snapcode, or clicking this link whilst on a mobile phone.
How to use the ‘Learn Hindi’ Lens
Through the Snapchat camera:
- Open Snapchat and point your camera at the above Snapcode
- Press and hold on the Snapcode to scan and unlock it
Through Snapchat Search:
- Open Snapchat and tap the Search bar.
- Type in ‘Learn Hindi’ and click on the lens by Atit Kharel to unlock.