New Delhi: Snapchat has rolled out a brand new Cartoon Lens that lets Snapchatters transform themselves into their own, unique cartoon character in real-time.
The lens is available globally on the Carousel, it uses machine learning to create a unique look just for the users and one can also tap the Camera Roll button when the Lens is activated to see another image appear in anime-style too.
How to:
- If you don’t already have Snapchat, download it for iOS or Android
- Snapchat will automatically open to the camera
- Open the Lens Carousel by pressing the Smiley icon or tapping on the screen
- Find the Cartoon Lens in the carousel
- If you can’t find it, hover your camera over the Snapcode below and press and hold on it for a few seconds:
- Take a photo or video Snap of yourself using the Lens, or tap the Camera Roll button to try out the Lens on other photos in your Camera Roll
- Tap the blue arrow icon to send friends your Snap, post to your Story, or post to Spotlight!
- Details on how to export/save your photo or video here