Mumbai: Sixth Sense Horror Film Festival, India’s first and only horror film fest, is back with its second edition. A brainchild of Shaunak Sirrole, the festival will feature and showcase some of the BEST horror shorts from India and all around the world. Beside young filmmakers from all around the world, our festival also welcomes distinguished professors and professionals in the field of film pedagogy and filmmaking.
The Sixth Sense Horror Film Festival has called all filmmakers and aspiring filmmakers to submit their short films showcasing the horror genre.
The duration of the film should not be more than 15 minutes and can be submitted in any format. The subject must be presenting horror /thriller/slasher/sci-fi genre only and all the submissions should be subtitled in English. The films can be submitted online on Filmfreeway, Withoutabox and festhome.
The Sixth Sense Horror Film Festival is scheduled to be held from October 29 – October 31 at in Mumbai. The three-day film festival is dedicated to honouring and celebrating the legacy of short horror films. It aims to appreciate and support established and upcoming filmmaker, dedicated to the horror genre.
The Submission deadlines are as follows:
Opening Date – April 01, 2018
Early Deadline – April 30, 2018
Regular Deadline – June 30, 2018
Final Deadline – July 31, 2018
Late Deadline – August 31, 2018
Notification Date – October 15, 2018
Event Date – October 29-31, 2018
Last year, Mr. Jeffrey Reddick writer of Final Destination was the “Guest of Honour” and National Award Winning Indian filmmaker, Mr. Apurva Asrani was the “Chief Guest” of the event. In the inaugural year, we received an outstanding 250 entries from which we screened 50 best films selected by the esteemed panel. This year “Paranormal Activity” fame writer Christopher Landon, Don Mancini and Puco Plaza are expected to grace the event with their presence.
If the last few years have taught us anything, it is that horror films could be on track to becoming more globally appreciated. Those of us who have been fans of the genre for years have always been well conscious of its arty and social connotation. The raison d’être of Sixth Sense Horror Film Festival is getting the genre some of the high-brow acknowledgement that it has long since deserved.
The aims of this year’s edition of the festival are:
- Positioning the festival as a “one of its kind” in India.
- Creating strong and productive connections in communication and cooperation between film authors and their colleagues who have yet to be recognized around the world
- Initiating a completely new attitude towards horror genre.