Sitaram Agarwal, who launched the Sarthak TV in 2010 and later sold it to ZEEL in 2015 has started his onward journey by launching a devotional channel under the brand “SIDHARTH”.
Sidharth Bhakti is the 2nd devotional channel of the State, the first having been launched 11 years ago. Sidharth Bhakti airs 19 new shows, of which some are ‘Dharmayudha’, ‘Bichitra Ramayana’, ‘Sabda Brahma’, ‘Bhakti Sangam’ and many more, to open a new gateway of refreshment for the seekers of devotional entertainment.
Other 2 satellite channels from the group Sidharth TV (GEC) & Sidharth Gold (Music & Movie) will be on air from May 2021. The 4th Channel of the group will also come by the end of 2021.