Sidharth Network which recently launched its 3 channels Sidharth Bhakti, SIdharth TV and Sidharth Gold brings a fresh flavour of entertainment for the regional television viewers on the Odia festival of Rajo. Sidharth TV which is the General Entertainment Channel of the network will air 4 blockbuster high budget movies as World Television Premiere consecutively from June 13th to June 16th, 2021.
These 4 days are the most important days of Rajo which is very typical to Odisha only. Rajo Parba inaugurates and welcomes the agricultural year all over Odisha, which marks, through biological symbolism, the moistening of the sun dried soil, with the first showers of the monsoon, in mid-June, thus making it ready for productivity. It is believed, that Mother Earth or the divine wife of Lord Vishnu undergoes menstruation during the first three days. Hence the farmers for these three days don’t toil the soil with their ploughs as a mark of respect to mother earth by allowing her to rest. Symbolizing the same, the women and unmarried girls of the state do no work these three days, and celebrate the period as a long joyous festival, where children, youth, men and women of all age groups in the family engage in festivities and different activities.
Incidentally, it was the promoter of Sidharth Network group Mr. Agarwal who had first brought this festival onto a reality show platform way back in 2013 and has again done the same in 2021 by launching Raja Sundari which is already being telecast on Sidharth TV.
And now raising the bar, Sidharth TV has gone a step forward by doing World Television Premieres consecutively these 4 days, which can be called a Rajo Bonanza for the viewer.