Hyderabad: The news season of Aata, featuring renowned celebrities, and brimming with the best up-and-coming junior dance talent. With a walk-in celebrity judge on every episode as the ‘Super Judge’, Aata Juniors has had Tamanna Bhatia, Rashmika Mandanna and Anjali grace the show over the first three weekends. The coming Saturday and Sunday, the show will have South India’s evergreen diva, the stunning Shriya Saran, as the celebrity judge on the show. Shriya Saran will be a part of Aata Juniors on 15th and 16th, starting 9:00 PM on Zee Telugu and Zee Telugu HD.
The kids on the show have been delivering some amazing performances week after week and along with the Super Dancers, the contestants are driving great traction to the show.
Hosted by Anchor Ravi, and judged by the adored Lakshmi Manchu and Nataraj Master, the high-on-demand dance reality show comes in-line with the channel’s brand philosophy – “Aarambham Okka Aduguthone”.