Mumbai: Shemaroo Entertainment Limited launched a new celebrity chat show, Movies and More, hosted by Radio Host & YouTube Sensation Siddharth Kannan. Bollywood celebrities like Vicky Kaushal, Yami Gautam, Anil Kapoor, Tapsee Pannu, Sonam Kapoor and many more for movies like URI, Thackrey, Ek Ladki Ko Dekha toh Aisa laga, Total Dhammal, Badla have graced the couch till now. These celebs indulge in hilarious conversations, give exclusive inside scoops and fascinating anecdotes around their latest movies
The chat show will soon be available on Shemaroo’s recently launched video streaming app – ShemarooMe. Enthusiasts can also log on to Shemaroo B-Town’s social media channels, earlier known as Shemaroo Miniplex, to catch the exclusive behind the scenes and all the buzz around new-age Bollywood celebrities.
Movies and More, a fresh and fun celebrity chat show, is filled with engaging conversations with celebs of upcoming movies, who talk about their journey and career milestones, interesting experiences and funny instances while shooting the film. The show connects the audience to their favourite actors and Bollywood movies. Right from the current Bollywood heartthrob Kartik Aaryan sharing some exclusive stories, to the talent-powerhouse Nawazuddin Siddiqui getting chatty about his acting techniques, stars who have graced the show are plenty, passionate and candid!
Movies and More is currently aired on Shemaroo’s Bollywood Premiere channel on key DTH platforms like Tata Sky, Airtel, Dish TV and Videocon D2H on weekdays at 9 pm. A new episode is released on every Thursday.
Commenting on the new show Movies and More, Hiren Gada, CEO, Shemaroo Entertainment Limited said, “Indian audience is always keen to know behind the scenes and interesting stories of their favourite Bollywood celebs and we feel, Movies and More is a perfect platform for the audience to get closer to their favourite movies and celebs. At Shemaroo, we always look at churning out fresh content and giving the best of entertainment to our audience.”
Siddharth Kannan Radio Host & YouTube Sensation, said, “Movies and More has turned out so good and the celebs have revealed some exclusive details around their movies and their journey which I feel the audience will truly enjoy. Bollywood has played an integral part in my life and getting to shoot and delve deep inside the life of Bollywood stars, knowing about their latest movies is a blessing. With the new chat show, we are trying to get the audience closer to the celebrities by taking them through their journey.”
Celebrities will talk all about reel and real life on the new and entertaining show, Movies and More, hosted by the fun and witty, Siddharth Kannan.