Mumbai: Saregama, India’s oldest music label and the youngest movie studio, announced its financial results for the 2nd Quarter ended Sep 30. Company’s consolidated Revenue from Operations for the Q2 FY20 is Rs. 1575 Mn as compared to Rs.1259 Mn in Q1FY20,an increase of 25% Q-o-Q.ConsolidatedPAT for the Q2FY20 is Rs194Mn in comparison to Rs(12)Mnin last quarter and Rs 157 Mnin last year same quarter.
Licensing Income continued on its growth trajectory and registered21% growth in revenue on Y-o-Y basis in H1 FY20.
Inspite of lower footfalls in Consumer Durable and Telecom outlets during this festival season, Carvaansales managed to grow.The number of units sold went up by 14% Q-o-Q to 250 K, and19% on half yearly basis to 469K. The company continued its focus on increasing its penetration in mid and small-towns through awareness campaign and distribution network expansion.
This was a great quarter for the films division, Yoodlee, which licensed 4 movies during this quarter;out of which2 movies were delivered toHotstar. Yoodlee films has the rare honor of being the only production house having original films on both Netflix and Hotstar.
Financial Summary – Consolidated–Quarter-2 FY 2019-20.
Particulars (INR Mn)