If there has to be an actor synonymous with Mahanayak in Bengali cinema, it has to be the legendary Uttam Kumar. Known for his multiple and exceptional talents in acting, direction, singing, music composition, and production. He acted in over 250 movies with each role different from the other and more complicated than before. Among them, movies like “Nayak”, “Bicharak”, “Jatugriha”, “Chiriyakhana”, “Khokababur Protyabarton”, “Chowrongiee”, “Ekhane Pinjar”, “Thana Theke Aschi” etc. shows his exceptional love for the craft of acting. He was the first Indian actor to receive the National Film Awards in 1967.
On the occasion of Uttam Kumar’s 42nd death anniversary, Rose TV, Bengals only lifestyle, music & movie channel is running an eight-day long film festival from 24th July to 31st July where 27 of his greatest movies like Sanyasi Raja, Bipasha,Lal pathore, Jiban Jigyasa, Upahar are being showcased at multiple timings throughout the day.
Rose TV is one of its kind entertainment and lifestyle channel that is a treasure trove of thousands of Bengali movies and songs. It is extremely popular among youth for its special world television premieres of some of the recent and thought-provoking Bengali movies. Whether you are a fan of regional movies or not, as someone who likes stories and storytellers and loves classics, catch Uttam Kumar Film Festival to know the legend himself.