Mumbai: 93.5 Red FM, a private radio and entertainment networks, is embarking on an extraordinary cultural journey with its latest initiative, “The Voice of Kumbh.” This 39-day immersive campaign is set to bring the grandeur, spirituality, and cultural vibrance of the MahaKumbh to life through on-ground events, live broadcasts, and engaging podcasts.
Red FM’s Morning RJ will guide listeners on a spiritual expedition with ‘Parikrama Prayagraj Ki,’ a journey through the historical and spiritual significance of six iconic temples in Prayagraj. From the ancient Nagvasuki Temple to the tranquil Bharadwaj Ashram, these sacred sites will be illuminated through captivating on-air stories and audio capsules that delve into their rich traditions and timeless tales.
Adding a unique twist, Red FM introduces “Boat to Sangam,” a live broadcast from a floating studio set at the confluence of the sacred rivers. The studio will feature inspiring performances by local talents, including 12-year-old blind classical singer Gungun Jaiswal, poet Shivam Bhagwati, and Banaras Gharana maestro Shri Rishi Mishra. These soulful performances, paired with heartfelt conversations, will unfold against the stunning backdrop of the Sangam, offering a once-in-a-lifetime auditory and visual experience.
Listeners can actively participate by winning a chance to join the “Boat to Sangam” experience through daily contests, making this initiative more interactive and memorable.
To deepen the connection with the audience, Red FM is launching a podcast series titled “Katha Kumbh Ki.” Hosted by renowned astrologer, vastu expert, and spiritual mentor Anita Doval, the series explores the history, mythology, and profound beliefs surrounding the MahaKumbh, providing valuable insights into its significance.
Throughout the campaign, Red FM will keep its listeners informed with daily updates on government-provided schedules, including the Shahi Snaan timings, ensuring a seamless and enriching experience for all.
“The Voice of Kumbh” is more than just a radio campaign – it’s a transformative voyage celebrating India’s rich cultural heritage and spiritual essence.