Bangalore: Red FM is attempting to unite neighborhoods in Bengaluru on one common platform through its latest initiative titled ‘D se Disha D se Digital’.
On air from November 28, the campaign strives to connect residents across a verified Facebook group and help them raise concerns against issues ailing their respective localities.
According to the network, it is acting as a catalyst in gathering localities on a single forum and in turn drawing the attention of various authorities, municipal bodies, hospitals and fire brigades to urge them to join the group, and help keep a check on the well-being of the locality.
Popular presenter Disha Oberoi is listing the many advantages of going digital together, and calling for listeners’ support in creating this unique group to unite everyone from that particular locality.
As a reward for their digital social service, the station is giving away 100 smartphones to the localities or people who have gone that extra mile to round up people on the group and acquired attention from government authorities.
RED FM COO, South, B. Surendar says: “Bengaluru is widely considered to be the digital capital of India . We are trying to empower Bengalureans by highlighting the enormous improvement that can be brought about to their respective localities if they unite on the digital platform.”