MUMBAI: realme, a smartphone brand today announced the launch of the realme 14 Pro Series 5G in India. The new realme 14 Pro Series 5G aims to redefine smartphone photography with its advancement in camera technology.
Powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 chipset, the realme 14 Pro series 5G claims to stand two generations ahead in terms of its camera capabilities which it said ensures unmatched clarity. It not only leverages a chipset but also advanced camera algorithms. The aim is to make the device far more capable and future-ready than its competitors.
The company added that the realme 14 Pro Series 5G is one of the first to equip the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3, which it explains is the best chipset in its segment, achieving higher benchmark scores and stronger performance than any other phone in its category. The chipset delivers further improved CPU and GPU performance, to help enable smooth gaming and multitasking. It is optimised to enhance both performance and efficiency, improving battery life. This makes the realme 14 Pro Series 5G an ideal choice for consumers who demand flagship-level performance said the company.
Adding to its arsenal, the series also features AI Ultra Clarity 2.0 and an advanced periscope camera, to deliver what it says is a superior AI-enhanced imaging experience for seamless user interaction. The AI Ultra Clarity feature which was first introduced in the realme 13 Pro series, can enhance low resolution photos to deliver images that overcome the physical constraints of the underlying camera hardware. The AI-based image stabilisation technology works in conjunction with OIS to achieve better stabilisation effects explains the company.
This technology reduces the blurring caused by hand tremors during the shooting process, resulting in what the company says is a more stable and clearer image. It delivers stabilisation performance when shooting videos or capturing night scenes. Furthermore, the AI Ultra Clarity feature works even on the older pictures clicked by less capable cameras.