Ranveer Singh leads an impressive cast in his upcoming film, produced by Jio Studios and B62 Studios. From national-award winner Aditya Dhar, known for the blockbuster ‘URI-The Surgical Strike,’ this marks his second major project with a stellar lineup of actors.
Ranveer Singh’s next big project is expected to be a statement performance under Aditya Dhar’s direction, generating anticipation in the film industry for the potential box-office success of this director-actor combination.
Produced by Jyoti Deshpande from Jio Studios and Lokesh Dhar and Aditya Dhar from B62 Studios, the film follows their hit collaboration “Article 370”.
The film features Sanjay Dutt, R. Madhavan, Akshaye Khanna, and Arjun Rampal in a star-studded cast that promises captivating drama and chemistry on screen. Dhar brought this exceptional ensemble together based on his remarkable vision and storyline.
Principal shooting for this giant theatrical presentation is now officially underway.