Mumbai: DS Group’s popular candy brand Pass Pass Pulse recently executed a unique outdoor campaign where the brand’s three variants of the candy were integrated into the traffic signal posts in an innovative format. To extend its communication reach, the same was recreated on TV via a partnership with Whisper Media to deliver the idea through In-Content Advertising (ICA) on popular general entertainment channels.
Pulse’s three popular variants – Litchi, Pineapple and Kachcha Aam – come in red, yellow, and green packaging respectively. Playing on the element of colour, the brand used the significance of these three colours in the context of traffic signals, to create a seamless, never-seen-before outdoor campaign under ‘Pran Jaaye Par Pulse Na Jaaye’ messaging. The brand wanted to bring the same magic to the TV audience in Hindi-Speaking Markets to expand its reach. It partnered with Whisper Media, the Global Leader in Efficient Content Integration, to deliver this effectively using technology.
Whisper ICAs are enabled to bring brand communications in multiple formats, which brings the cross-media experience to the audience through the largest medium in the country – TV. Whisper Media has partnered with leading TV broadcasters Disney Star and Zee Network; across all their GEC platforms for HSM and Regional to bring forth this proposition.
In-Content Advertising digitally embeds a brand communication into the content at the post-production phase and elevate the brand from the usual advertising clutter. This enables a brand to deliver a campaign without the hassle of logistics and programming, in an impactful manner. The ICA campaign was delivered on the leading GEC channel – Star Plus.
Arvind Kumar, General Manager – Marketing, DS Foods Limited, said: “There’s nothing better than being able to replicate a campaign across different mediums which elevates recall among target audience. We are glad to partner with Whisper Media to be able to seamlessly execute this unique campaign through In-Content Advertising.”
Vikrant Dhawan, Head Ad Sales – North & East, Whisper Media said: “We are seeing some exciting times in the advertising world where Tech is enabling brands to get the attention of the viewers. In this latest campaign we managed to organically resonate with the offerings which the product has to offer. This showcases the media multiplier effect enabling higher message recall for the campaign.”
Runil Mehta, Media Director, Purnima Advertising, said: “Identifying the right media mix as per the target audience is critical for the success of any campaign. Whisper Media is at the forefront of ad-tech innovation, and was the perfect fit to deliver on this campaign through ICA’s.”
Launched globally in 2014, Whisper Media operates across 10+ countries around the globe, with over 200+ member skilled team. The company has partnered with more than 35 leading broadcasters and content publishers across these markets and have delivered more than 500,000 seconds of integrations for brands.