Bengaluru: Filmmaker Atlee and Priya Atlee, renowned for their creative vision and storytelling prowess, have ventured into the world of sports with the acquisition of the Bengaluru franchise in the World Pickleball League (WPBL). The team, aptly named Bengaluru Jawans, marks their debut in sports ownership, reflecting their passion for pickleball and their commitment to fostering the sport’s growth in India.
The WPBL, co-founded by former Indian tennis players Gaurav Natekar and Arati Ponnappa Natekar, is set to commence on January 24, 2025. Featuring 48 players from India and around the globe, the league will see fierce competition among six franchises.
The Bengaluru Jawans boast a powerhouse roster, including:
- Vrushali “Hammer” Thakare: Known for her dynamic playing style
- Jack Foster
- Katerina Stewart
- Trang Hyunh McClain
- Marcelo Jardim
- Alejandra Bobaria
- Felix Grunert
- Mauro Garcia
This formidable team positions the Bengaluru Jawans as strong contenders for the inaugural season of the WPBL.
Sharing their excitement for this new venture, Atlee and Priya said, “Entertainment has always been our passion, and we’ve been fortunate to tell stories that connect with people on a deeper level. Sports, like cinema, has the power to evoke emotions, build communities, and inspire change. The World Pickleball League stood out to us as the perfect blend of both worlds—a delectable mix of high-energy sport and vibrant entertainment. This league is redefining how we experience sports in India, and we are thrilled to be a part of its journey to create a unique platform that celebrates athleticism, culture, and community.”
“We share a deep spiritual connection with Bengaluru, a city where we have been warmly embraced by the affection and support of countless fans and friends. The city’s unique charm and growing significance in our lives continue to leave a lasting impression.”
Gaurav Natekar, Co-Founder and CEO of WPBL, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “The World Pickleball League is a celebration of everything that makes sports and entertainment so compelling—passion, energy, and community building. Priya and Atlee’s entry into the league with Bengaluru Jawans adds incredible momentum to our vision of creating a platform that transcends traditional sport and offers fans a one-of-a-kind experience. Their expertise in storytelling and entertainment perfectly complements WPBL’s goal of redefining how sports is consumed in India, and we’re excited about the journey together.”
The World Pickleball League begins its journey on January 24, 2025, offering fans an opportunity to witness this electrifying fusion firsthand. The Bengaluru Jawans and the WPBL are set to redefine how sports are experienced in India.