Mumbai: Prime Video is all set to premiere the Kannada fantasy comedy thriller ‘Avatara Purusha’ on 14th June. Directed by Suni and produced by Pushkar Mallikarjunaiah, the film stars Sharan, Ashika Ranganath, Sai Kumar and Sudharani in the pivotal roles.
Avatara Purusha follows the story of a scholar, whose only son goes missing. The scholar blames his sister and cuts all ties with her. Years later, the sister’s daughter decides to mend the severed relationship by hiring a junior artist to pretend to be the lost son. However, she is unaware that more trouble is waiting for the family.
“Avatara Purusha is a family entertainer that has a mix of various elements like comedy, drama, and supernatural fantasy,” said Suni, Director, Avatara Purusha. “The film opened to a positive response from the critics during its theatrical release and we are confident that the audience across the globe will also enjoy this rib-tickling comedy with enough twists to keep everyone guessing. The film is a complete entertainer and will appeal to all audiences. Watch it with you family this Friday,” he added.
Watch the premiere of ‘Avatara Purusha’ on 14th June only on Amazon Prime Video.