Mumbai: Adding yet another title to its comedy slate, Prime Video today announced the stand-up special Dongri Danger, featuring stand-up comedian, writer Sumaira Shaikh. Sumaira is all set to leave the audience in splits with her first stand-up special starting 25th February 2022. She was previously associated with the streaming service as one of the writers and actors on Prime Video’s award-winning show, Pushpavalli. Prime Video also unveiled the trailer of the special that sees Sumaira talk about road trips, her love for gangsters, and growing up in Dongri. The show is produced by OML Entertainment Private Limited, co-produced by Motormouth Writers Pvt. Ltd and is directed by Sumukhi Suresh.
“A comic’s first stand up special is like her/his wedding, so basically I am putting up my wedding video,” laughs stand-up comedian Sumaira Shaikh. “It only makes sense that my first stand up special is on Amazon Prime Video since this is where it all began for me. I have been developing Dongri Danger since 2017 but it all came together recently. Writing fiction has taken me one step closer to finding my voice. I have classic observational bits on what’s your rank in a group or how Tsunami water going back is the best relaxation video, but I have also explored story telling by talking about growing up in Dongri or how my relatives judged me more at my brother’s funeral than at any wedding I have attended. I’m immensely grateful for the opportunity, and I hope that the viewers across the globe will love the show as much as the live audience did.”