Mumbai: PlayerzPot, one of India’s leading online gaming platforms, has partnered with SonyLIV, Sony Pictures Network’s video streaming platform for Kaun Banega Crorepati Season 13. The strategic association will signal the launch of the PlayerzPot Mega Quiz on SonyLIV’s KBC Play Along. With an objective to take the interactive gaming experience to a whole new level, SonyLIV subscribers will stand a chance to win weekly prizes leading upto a Tata Altroz, by participating in different quizzes every day.
The quiz is available on SonyLIV’s Play Along section. With a new quiz daily, the subscribers can win big by answering 10 questions within 15 seconds on the platform. In addition to the mega prize of Tata Altroz, weekly winners stand a chance to win Amazon vouchers worth INR 20000/- till mid December 2021.
Speaking about the association, Sunil Yadav, CEO – PlayerzPot said, “KBC is an iconic show that has the entire country enthralled. The quiz show has been one of the most engaging and successful formats of our generation. Associating with such a prestigious show is a matter of great pride for PlayerzPot. SonyLIV’s KBC Play Along has attracted a large audience since its launch, with over 850 new lakhpatis created during the pandemic. With exciting rewards and prizes lined up for the season, we are confident that the PlayerzPot Mega Quiz will further boost the user engagement for us.”