New Delhi: Carrying forward the legacy of strengthening the bond with the family, relatives, and friends, Options Designs, a purpose-driven agency specializing in creating brand communications on the festive season of Diwali curates Haldiram’s campaign promoting “Apno Ko Laye Aur Bhi Paas.”
The ad emphasizes bonding between families, bringing a feeling of happiness and unity. The focus is on spending quality time with loved ones this festive season. The entire ad has been focused on the idea that burning crackers is not the main joy of Diwali but bringing families together, spending quality time, and seeing them happy together is the main source of happiness.
The campaign started on 19th October 2021 and continues to make an impact on TV channels and all social media platforms including Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube with the #apnokolayeaurbhipass. Besides these, the campaign is also being promoted in stores, newspapers, and magazines.
On the occasion, Ambuj Bajaj, Marketing, Option Designs said, “We consciously created the Diwali campaign so that families could spend quality time together in this acute technological world, bringing families together and safeguarding the environment”.
Haldiram’s has always played an important role in Indian households, especially during the festive season. It has always been a preferred choice by Indian families for festivals and gifts.
“Festivals give us reasons to bond with our families. Abiding by this line of thought, we came up with the Diwali campaign that truly brings out the essence of celebration,” said Rajat Rastogi, Marketing of Haldiram’s.