News 18 Kannada, is thrilled to announce the debut of their innovative program, ‘Jana Mana’, a travelogue show. This captivating show is set to navigate through various districts across Karnataka, presenting the real concerns of the people at ground zero as the nation gears up for the upcoming Loksabha Elections. News18 Kannada Jana Mana aims to provide an unprecedented ground-level perspective on the state’s political landscape.
‘Jana Mana,’ hosted by Chidananda Patel, Senior Associate Editor at News 18 Kannada, is intended to provide an open forum for honest conversations with local citizens and political party officials. The program aims to give the people of Karnataka a unique opportunity to voice their concerns, hopes, and expectations from the imminent election. The News18 Kannada Jana Mana will embark on an extensive journey, visiting the mentioned places – Kanakpura; Mandya; Ramnagara; Chenapatna; Tumkur; Chikballapur; Devanahalli; Mysore; Chamrajnagar; Doddballapur; Bangalore Central; Bangalore North and Bangalore South.
With this carefully designed itinerary, the program will be able to present a comprehensive view of the political landscape, addressing the unique concerns of each district. Through candid interactions, viewers will gain insights into the specific challenges and aspirations of the people. News18 Kannada ‘Jana Mana’ will ensure that viewers across Karnataka can follow this exciting journey and stay informed about the subjects that are important to them. The channel will be providing insightful and unbiased coverage of the upcoming election, and ‘Jana Mana’ is an exemplary initiative of this. By taking the conversation to the grassroots level, the show promises to be a game-changer in understanding the true aspirations of the people of Karnataka.
To watch the show tune into News 18 Kannada every Sunday at 7.00 PM.
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