News18 India is coming up with year ender programming titled ‘Drishyam 2023’. The special programming will celebrate the year gone by and will inspire unbridled optimism amongst its viewers. The channel will telecast Drishyam 2023 from 4:30 p.m. onwards on December 31, 2022.
Bidding farewell to an old year of uncertainties, the channel curated the special program to welcome a new year of renewed opportunities and hope.
This year-end programming includes a series of special shows such as ‘Lapete Mein Netaji-New Year Special’, which will bring together some of the most illustrious poets, who will share a new creative perspective on the political climate of the country through sharp wit and sarcasm as they face off against leaders from all the major political parties. Also part of the programming will be prescient astrologers who will host the ‘Astro Show’, as they read the star charts for the coming year and augur new beginnings. The programming will also feature a special show with Gori Nagori, the dancing sensation of Big Boss fame, and will also showcase some prominent predictions by Baba Vanga, the well-known Bulgarian mystic and herbalist, for the year 2023 that will impact the world as a whole.
The channel’s statement read, “With 2022 behind us, we are proud of everything we have accomplished as one people. United in hope, belief, and development, we look towards a new year of happiness, which is sure to see the world economy reach unprecedented heights. To personify this hope and effervescence, Drishyam 2023 will bring cheer and optimism to one and all as they enter the New Year.”