Mumbai: Navi Mumbai Police has successfully launched their ‘Nasha Mukt Forever’ campaign at one of the biggest music events of the year, the Coldplay concert in Mumbai. In a collaboration with IPG Mediabrands India, the campaign aimed to combat rising drug abuse among the youth by reaching an audience of over 45,000 concertgoers over three days. The initiative was led by Bollywood superstar and fitness icon John Abraham, who is the face of the campaign, and has now gained significant traction through organic engagement, social media mentions, and a unique visual presence at the event.
Concertgoers were given specially crafted ‘Nasha Mukt Forever’ wristbands that doubled as a badge of honour, promoting a clean and drug-free lifestyle. The wristbands were designed with bold fonts and bright colours to appeal to the Gen-Z audience, receiving numerous Instagram mentions as they became a trend among concert attendees. The message of a drug-free life was also displayed across multiple touchpoints throughout the concert venue, along with extensive outdoor visibility in Navi Mumbai, including billboards at railway stations, bus panels, and on Ola and Uber booking screens. The campaign encourages locals to use the helpline 8828112112 to anonymously report any drug-related activity in their area.
Milind Bharambe, Police Commissioner of Navi Mumbai, commented, “Music festivals and concerts often become avenues for the younger generation to indulge in drugs instead of coming together to enjoy music. To address this concern and combat the epidemic of drug abuse, we ensured that the ‘Nasha Mukt Forever’ messaging reached the youth at a concert of a band they idolize. We’re delighted by the way IPG Mediabrands has brought this brief to life and are grateful to John Abraham for helping us shine the spotlight on this cause.”
Dhruv Jha, Co-head of Mediabrands Content Studio (the content arm of IPG Mediabrands India), added, “Given the stress and challenges of today’s fast-paced life, people are more vulnerable to substance abuse and addiction than ever. To drive change effectively, we’ve leveraged relatable messaging and powerful partnerships that resonate with the youth and make staying clean look ‘cool’. We’re privileged to have worked with the Navi Mumbai Police, John Abraham, and the Coldplay concert teams for this important campaign.”
Eshwari Pandit, Senior Creative Director at Interactive Avenues (the digital arm of IPG Mediabrands India), shared, “Once in a while, we get to use our craft to make our city a better place. And for that, we’re immensely proud of all those who helped take this idea from insight to execution in just a week.”