The new Malayalam news channel The Fourth News is all set to be launched on August 17, 2024.
Speaking to medianews4u, Rickson Oommen Varghese, MD & CEO, The Fourth News said, “We are launching a Malayalam News channel, The Fourth News, on 17 th of August, two years after we established our digital arm, Our television team is being trained by industry experts and senior journalists at our corporate office in Thiruvananthapuram.”
Varghese underlined that having made a mark in Malayalam digital media, the Fourth TV hopes to create a positive change in the competitive Malayalam television industry.
“We do not have any political, religious or any kind of ideological inclination which is evident in the way we are covering stories for the digital platforms. With a blend of young and experienced journalists and technical team, we are confident of changing the news viewing experience of the Malayalees,” he added.