The grand launch of Live Times, India’s first global multicast news hub, took place on August 23, 2024, with Honorable Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and other distinguished guests. The event marked the start of Live Times’ mission to deliver factual, unfiltered, and unbiased news to a worldwide digital audience.
In his keynote, Honorable Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath praised the media as a vital democratic pillar, stressing its duty to represent the people. He noted India’s progress and the importance of factual news. Live Times excels in delivering truthful and fair news, launching India’s premier global news hub with top journalistic standards.
Deepa Malik, the first Indian woman Paralympic medalist, and other industry leaders graced the event, emphasizing support for Live Times’ journalistic integrity mission.
Dilip Singh, Founder, CEO, and Editor-in-Chief of Live Times, expressed his gratitude and shared his vision for the channel, stating, “In a world where misinformation often overshadows truth, Live Times stands firm as a beacon of reliable journalism. The overwhelming support we’ve received at this launch reinforces our belief that there is a strong demand for unbiased and factual news.Our commitment is to deliver news that matters—news that is factual, unbiased, and serves the public interest.”
Live Times revolutionizes news delivery with cutting-edge technology partnerships like Grass Valley, Panasonic, and Adobe for a customized viewer experience. Collaborations with PTI, Reuters, and service providers like Tata Communications ensure widespread distribution through platforms like Tata Play and GTPL, emphasizing inclusivity with the Voice of Specially Abled People.
Live Times aims to revolutionize news delivery globally by prioritizing authenticity, relevance, and public interest, marking a new era in truth-based journalism and setting a benchmark in the media industry.