Chennai : Recently, The Hindu Group had some very exciting guest editors. What’s so unique about this, you ask. Well, it’s unique because they were readers of The Hindu Young World, and were students From Stds. V to VIII. These were the six winners chosen by merit of their entries to ‘Be a Guest Editor’. The choice was a difficult one to make as Young World was flooded with enthusiastic hopefuls. It was after great deliberation that these six youngsters found a spot on the Editorial Team to plan, prepare and edit the Children’s Day special edition of their favourite magazine The Hindu Young World.
To pick the best of the best, contestants were asked to write a story of 200 words on kids or an adult who has contributed something to keep their neighbourhood clean or interview a green activist. Six winners were hand-picked From 120 entries that came From across the country.
Anvi, Tanisha, Nihal, Harini, Mh. Aiman and Siddhant were present at The Hindu in Chennai for their ‘working’ day as Guest Editors. From writing stories to editing, picture selection to page making and layout, these champs played the role of a journalist with flair (with help From the editors of The Hindu Young World, of course!).
For this year’s Children’s Day edition, interesting topics were given to the Super Six to write their stories on – most memorable prank played or been part of, conduct a poll of children’s favourite books and movies, profile/interview a young achiever with special needs, book review, two apps they like, if Pandit Nehru was to visit their class today… imagine the story, and so much more.
Shalini Arun, Senior Associate Editor, The Hindu Young World says, “This is the third time we have had young Guest Editors work on the magazine. This is our way of giving the young readers a peek into the how their magazine is created. They are involved in every aspect that goes into the making of this special edition, giving these aspiring editors an opportunity to live the dream for a day and be part of its journey.”
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