Mumbai : Life OK has launched a new show, ‘Kalash – Ek Vishwaas’, which captures the underlying faith of an ordinary girl, Devika, in Maa Ambe and who believes that she has God to lean back on at all times – good or bad. The show explores the facet of an unconditional relationship that Devika shares with Lord Ambe.
‘Kalash – Ek Vishwaas’ was commenced on yesterday (23rd March) 2015 at 8.30pm and scheduled to be aired every Monday to Friday.
Producer Ekta Kapoor from Balaji Telefilms said, “The show traces the journey of Devika’s love, faith and belief in her God, who she considers to be her friend and confidant. She draws power from Maa Ambe to ward off negativity from her life and fight injustice. It is an attempt to bring alive the thought that strength and belief in God is much higher than all the cosmic energies put together. I am looking forward to my association with Life OK to bring forth this grand venture through an interesting storyline.”
Commenting on the show, a Life OK spokesperson said, “‘Kalash – Ek Vishwaas’ draws relevance to the current state of affairs of women in our country and re-instills the fact that the supreme power does exists. The show explores an unconventional relationship between God and a devotee, further strengthening the bond of faith. The story of Kalash comes from several real life instances and experiences from the lives of our consumers, whose relationship with God is based both on fear and faith. We chose to highlight the positive feeling of faith as it gives one hope and confidence to survive. The show is definitely something to watch out for its extremely well-crafted characters and gripping storyline.”